
If you are interested in your child attending our school, we would love to hear from you! I take pride in showing new parents around the school - and would love for you to join our school family. If you would like your child to join our school at any point other than the beginning or reception year, just give us a call and we will guide you through the process. If your child is due to start school for the first time, when they are 4 - then please read the section below. We look forward to meeting you! 


The Key Information Regarding Admissions - First Starting School 

Children are admitted to school, full time, at the beginning of the academic year in which they become five years old. Pupils remain at the school until after their eleventh birthday. 

The Local Authority sets the Admissions Policy and criteria, in accordance with current legislation. This allows parents the opportunity to choose which school they wish their child to attend, providing it has places. 


Admission forms for the reception intake are available in school in the Autumn Term of the year before your child is due to start school, or by contacting the Admissions section at the Local Authority directly on  03000 265894. You will most likely be given these in nursery settings, or given cards to explain how to carry out the procedure online. 


It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that the preference form is completed and returned - either online, or to: 


Admissions & Transport Entitlement Team 

Children & Young People’s Services, 

County Hall 



A full transition programme is developed, to ease both your child and parents in to school life. 
These include open days, meet the teacher sessions and meetings with the Headteacher. We also work very closely with the onsite private nursery - so most likely already know you and your child when it is time for them to start school! 


Durham County Council - Links to school admissions page.