Latest News

Hello! Much of our school news is detailed on the weekly newsletters from Mrs Goodwin. However, from time to time, we like to let you know about some really important bits and bobs as we can't wait for the newsletter!

  • Reception Plans

    Mon 22 Apr 2013 Mr D

    We have decided to spend some of this year's budget on the reception / year 1 outdoor area. Miss Errington is so excited, that she is already planning where things are going to go!


    Our outside area will include:

    • a new canopy - for all weather learning
    • a stage - for out door performances
    • a den building area - which Mr Dent cannot wait to get stuck in to!
    • a mud kitchen - which Mr Dent cannot wait to avoid!
    • an outdoor writing area
    • an outdoor changing area - to keep those smart uniforms and shoes clean!
    • plus many other exciting areas.....



  • iPads

    Mon 22 Apr 2013 Mr D


    We are now in a position to add wireless internet to the school - and have budgeted for 16 iPads to run on the new network! Mr Dent cannot wait to get his hands on all of the new iPad 3's!!