Latest News

Hello! Much of our school news is detailed on the weekly newsletters from Mrs Goodwin. However, from time to time, we like to let you know about some really important bits and bobs as we can't wait for the newsletter!

  • Chickenpox Strikes!

    Mon 19 May 2014
    Look out for a letter regarding procedures for chicken pox! Also look at for  further, more detailed information.
  • Year 6 SATs Week

    Mon 12 May 2014
    This week sees Year 6 complete their Key Stage 2 SATs.. A busy week in school! As a result, some staff may be harder to contact than usual - so please bare with us as it is the busiest week of the year for us! GOOD LUCK YEAR 6!
  • WOW!!! 100% Attendance!!

    Fri 09 May 2014
    This week, all children in the main school had 100% attendance! The only children not in school were in the LRB and had appointments or chicken pox! This takes our attendance to almost 98%... OUTSTANDING!!!
  • Welcome Back!

    Thu 01 May 2014
    I hope you all had a great holiday - and are raring to go!