Latest News

Hello! Much of our school news is detailed on the weekly newsletters from Mrs Goodwin. However, from time to time, we like to let you know about some really important bits and bobs as we can't wait for the newsletter!

  • Outstanding Attendance!

    Wed 26 Feb 2014
    I have just analysed our attendance figuresĀ for Jan 13 - Jan 14 and the results are amazing! We have increased our attendance to over 97% (it was 95% last year), but most importantly we have reduced the amount of children attending below 90% by 74%!! Thank you all so much for helping to improve this really important part of our school! :-)
  • 98.3% Pupil Rating

    Wed 26 Feb 2014
    This week, I have analysed the pupil questionnaires - and the results are great! The pupils rate our school 98.3% - but we are going for 100% by Summer! We are working with the children on improving the three areas that were not at 99% or 100% - and we are determined to be perfect!