Latest News

Hello! Much of our school news is detailed on the weekly newsletters from Mrs Goodwin. However, from time to time, we like to let you know about some really important bits and bobs as we can't wait for the newsletter!

  • Homework: Results Are In!

    Fri 29 Jan 2016
    Thank you to all of you who responded to our homework questionnaire. The results have been analysed - and a new homework policy is being devised next week to help meet your needs and to improve our homework provision for our children! Time is precious - so let's use it wisely!
  • Crazy Cookery

    Fri 29 Jan 2016
    This week almost all of our children have been busy cooking a variety of breads - and creating delicious ice creams! Thanks to Taylor Shaw, the children have enjoyed concocting recipes and impressing their teachers with their culinary skills!