Latest News

Hello! Much of our school news is detailed on the weekly newsletters from Mrs Goodwin. However, from time to time, we like to let you know about some really important bits and bobs as we can't wait for the newsletter!

  • Modern Mud Kitchen!

    Thu 15 Sep 2016
    Our mud kitchen has had a re-vamp! Check it out!
  • New Reading Area in Y3!

    Thu 15 Sep 2016

    The Far Away Treehouse completes our reading area mission! Please feel free to pop in and see all of them: there is now...

    - The Hobbit Hut
    - Reception Reading Den

    - Year 1 Book Hut

    - Year 2 Book Bunk

    - Year 3 Far Away Treehouse

    - Year 4 Book bastion

    - Year 5 Reading Rocket

    - Year 6 Reading Caravan 'AKA' Word Wagon!