
Music Intent Statement

Be confident communicators

Be knowledgeable

Be a good citizen

Be adventurous

Be ambitious


At Belmont Cheveley Park Primary School, we are committed to ensuring the effective delivery of a Music curriculum that is exciting, inspiring and accessible to ALL of our children, building on previous experiences and the interests of the children. The intent is to promote pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through a wide variety of musical activities, allowing the children to better understand the world in which they live.


Music is a creative and practical subject, which should enhance the lives and learning of all children. It is our intent that children at BCPPS will become confident communicators and Music is a unique way of communicating, giving the children a platform for not only personal expression but also playing a part in the personal development of each individual.


We intend to nurture a love and enthusiasm for Music in all its forms and also develop musical skills and knowledge alongside. These musical experiences in turn will support learning in other areas of the curriculum, as well as developing life skills such as creativity, self-confidence, the ability to concentrate and Listening and Performance skills.