All schools in Durham must produce a SEND Information Report, which details how they respond and cater for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This report is detailed below, however, should you have any specific questions relating to your child - please do not hesitate to contact us! Mrs Wright is our SENCo and would be more than happy to discuss any questions or queries you may have. If you have a complaint about SEND provision, please contact Mrs Wright in the first instance. Our usual complaint procedure will apply, which is available in the policies section of the website. 


As our school has 'Enhanced Mainstream Provision' for Speech, Language and Communication, many parents are signposted to us in order for their child to access our on-site specialists. As such, below is a guide to our 'EMP', which  details information which potential and current parents of children within our unit may find useful. Similarly, it compliments our SEND Report for our specialist provision. 


If you need to contact Mrs Wright, please call our school office on 0191 3869494 and ask to be put through to Mrs Wright - alternatively, by email, at